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If God is for you



I repent for my many prejudices, all of the times I have misjudged, labeled, ignored, or been passive towards other races.  I repent for making snap decisions and judgment calls for I have never walked in their shoes!  I have no idea why they make the decisions they do for I’ve never walked their walk, never been treated the way they have been, never been spoken to the way they have been.  I never realized the load they may be carrying from all of that, the debilitating bitterness they may be harboring, and those wounds can greatly cloud their judgment and define their decisions.  Those sins against them have marred their identity.  It is a wound that is tough to heal because it continues to be reopened by further racism, whether perceived or reality. 

And so I repent on behalf of the entire white race in hopes of seeing my black brothers and sisters come to know healing of and release from of all of their wounds and to empower them to move forward in the confidence of a renewed identity and a freed heart for, in that freedom, they can release grace and healing to a divided, hurting nation!

I repent for slavery because every life is worthy and equal.  NO one is less than.  We were all created equal in God’s sight for He is no respecter of persons.

I repent for the racism that caused you to be pushed to the back – of the bus, the church, the spotlight, and I declare “Emerge, men and women of God, into the honored place Jesus’ blood bought for you!”

I repent for all of the hurtful looks, the heart-penetrating cutting words, and the inexcusable behaviors of a nation!

I declare your freedom to open up and spread your wings to become all God intended for you to be.  I declare your worth as an individual and as a race for God has placed unique giftings, talents, perspective, language, and so much more in you that the earth needs you to release!  It begs to be released!

But that release only comes when you release all that binds you and allow Jesus, Who knows your every hurt and received offense, to free you and heal you from the inside out.  For Jesus bore the curse of racism, the cruelty, the harsh piercing words, the abandonment, the rejection.  All of it, He experienced on the earth, as you have, and carried the curse of it and the consequences of it on the cross, so you could walk free, never to again be controlled by the fear of the opinions of man.  And He will empower you in your healing to walk free of future offense, just as He did, and to be able to say, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”  


Freedom is here at last!  Freedom has come in the form of a Savior Who was broken and spilled all of His blood for you to purchase that freedom! 


“If God is for you, who can be against you?” (Romans 8:31)

Stacey E. Rogers

YLM Movement

© 2023 Your Life Matters


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