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  • Writer's pictureStacey (@ylm2me)

Racism is Bad Math!

I'm sorry that someone taught you some really bad math! It seems you were indoctrinated to believe that division is best, when, in reality, all that has done is subtract from your life. Racism has taken things from you, robbed you of experiences, when God desired to expand your life, to add color and multiply friendships. I’m sorry that someone taught you to hate when you were created to love and be loved by the God Who is love. Instead, this hatred has stolen much peace and joy and countless rich and diverse relationships. I'm sorry that someone lied to you, saying you are owed something because of the color of your skin. Apparently, this has left you with a feeling of entitlement that deprived you of the blessing and joy that comes from gratitude. I'm sorry that somebody told you there can be unity in hatred for love, alone, brings true unity, creates family, and brings people together in a meaningful way. Hatred always and only divides and leaves you truly alone. I’m sorry that you have been left alone in your hatred. I'm sorry that your world has remained small because you have limited your circle to your shade alone, such that your mind has never been opened up to the endless possibilities and the perspective that people of other colors possess. I’m sorry that someone gave you the impression that it is okay to spew your hatred at your fellow man because it will always push people away from you not toward you. That sounds like a lonely and destructive way to live. I'm sorry that someone taught you that your value was based on the color of your skin, making you feel superior or inferior, because that simply is not true. Your value is tied to something you cannot change, the fact that you are loved by the God Who chose to create you the color that you are for a reason, the God who values and celebrates diversity. I'm sorry that someone told you to fear what you do not understand, to fear difference, to fear those who do not look like you or talk like you or think like you, because you have undoubtedly missed out on so much! I'm sorry that someone taught you that people of other colors are somehow taking things from you, that you thought because another gained that you lost, when, in reality, every good gift comes from God alone. (James 1:17) I'm sorry that someone led you to believe that people are your true enemy and likewise that people are your advocate because both will keep you in a state of constant disappointment ....with people. You have one true enemy and one true Advocate, and the latter will never fail you, while the former is at the root of all racism. He is not your friend. I'm sorry that your racism has stolen from you by causing you to miss out on all the cultures, giftings, language, talents, and much more that people of different colors bring to the table. A colorless world is a boring world, but variety is the spice of life. I'm sorry that you were not taught why your life truly matters! A painting does not determine its value, nor is its value found in the materials, the canvas or paints used. The value, alone, is determined by the painter. We can all choose to add value to the world in this short life we have been given, with the things that we do, but our true value, our eternal value, cannot be bought, earned, or lost through words or actions. Our true value comes from our Creator and His decision to love us. I'm sorry that you were likely taught in school that life is random, that you evolved from nearly nothing, and possibly even that there is no God. All of these beliefs have led to a devaluing of human life in our modern culture. If those things were true, then none of us truly matter, and all of the vitriol and protests are pointless. However, deep down, we know differently in the core of our being and, therefore, cry out to be reassigned our value, to be recognized for our true worth. We suspect that we were created for more than all of this, and we are right. (Jer. 29:11) I'm sorry that no one may have ever told you that there is a God in heaven Who loves you, Who will fight for you, Who you can count on, and Who thought you were worthy and beloved enough to send His only Son to die for on a terrible cross to give you a choice. He hoped that you would choose to receive Him and enjoy His kind of life, an abundant life, not limited by any human being or by this present life on earth. You must know, though, that this God created one race, the human race, and He sent His Son to die for all people of all colors as He values us one and all. Red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight. (John 3:16, 10:10) I do not seek to place blame for there is enough of that going around, but I am attempting to shine light on the author of these lies, for the devil is a good teacher. He is a divider and a thief. People are not the true source of racism; we are just the students. However, we are responsible to push back against this liar and his lies, to stop being his victims! I truly am sorry that he stole from you the rich full life that you could have had if you had only known and embraced the truth! The good news is that you still can as it is not too late. If there is breath in your body, you can repent of your racism, and God can give you a new heart, His perspective, and turn it all around for good! (Genesis 50:20) I'm sorry for whatever may have happened to you that reinforced all these errors of thought, and I pray that you find healing of all of your wounds, spirit, soul, and body, in the only place that it can be found - in the person of Jesus Christ. Lastly, I'm sorry that you were not privileged like I was to have been taught all of these things for they have made all the difference in my perspective versus yours. I am not better than you and do not know you; however, I do feel I have been given some God-given perspective. So, I am lifting you up in prayer as I write this that the God Who can make all things new will reveal Himself to you in the coming days. If you will draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. (James 4:8) It is not too late for He is a God Who redeems time. You don’t have to be alone in your hatred anymore. You can release all that binds you and be set free. You can become His beloved and discover that love truly is stronger than hate for love wins every time! #yourlifematters2me

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